A few words

About Us


Empowering Health, Transforming Lives

At Kidney Focus Kenya, our journey began with a simple yet profound vision – to create a world where heart and kidney diseases no longer impose heavy burdens on individuals and their loved ones.

Our commitment is unwavering, and our mission is clear: to empower those affected by hypertension, diabetes, kidney disease, and heart disease, while tirelessly working to prevent these conditions from taking hold.

Our Guiding Principles

  • Empowerment: We believe that knowledge is power. Through education and support, we empower individuals to take control of their health and make informed decisions.

  • Compassion: We approach every interaction with empathy and care, understanding the emotional and physical challenges that come with chronic diseases.

  • Community: We foster a sense of belonging by connecting individuals who share similar journeys. This community serves as a source of inspiration and practical hope.

  • Prevention: We are dedicated to the prevention of heart and kidney diseases, working with communities to adopt healthier lifestyles and reduce risk factors.

Come work with us

We invite you to explore our website, learn more about our services, and consider making a donation to support our cause. Together, we can create a world where heart and kidney diseases no longer dictate the terms of people's lives.

What We Offer

    • Patient Support: Our organization provides comprehensive support to individuals and their caregivers. We understand the multifaceted nature of these diseases and offer tailored solutions to meet their unique needs.

    • Information Empowerment: We believe that informed individuals are better equipped to manage their health. We deliver accessible and understandable information to promote awareness and understanding.

    • Mental Health Support: We recognize the emotional toll that chronic diseases can have on patients and their families. Our seminars, workshops, and events aim to improve mental well-being.

    • Medication Adherence: Our revolving drug fund ensures that medication is accessible to those who need it. We strive to eliminate barriers to treatment adherence.


Support Programs

Our organization offers a range of support programs tailored to individuals and families managing chronic health conditions. From support groups to counseling, we’re here to guide and uplift.

We Listen

This is a safe platform for people with similar conditions to share their experiences with others as a way of giving practical hope to them.
To share your story to the world click here

Training Programs

We also organize seminars, workshops and events that help better the mental well being of every patient and caregiver. This is part of our strategy to improve your quality of life.

Want to make a difference?

Your support goes towards helping the marginalized to get medical attention and lead better quality lives. No one should die for lack of proper medical attention.